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EFAMT® Grant Wizard can be used as an internal standard or as a support system, so that the organisation has a clear overview of all grant-funded projects and staff, satisfying the specific rules of grant funded projects as well as those of the organisation.

EFAMT® Grant Wizard:
  • Can be an assistance to accounting department and the management – having a precise overview of all grant funded-projects. It improves the overview the used time and other resources (t.i. proper time and cost monitoring). EFAMT® Grant Wizard enables the monitoring of all projects running at the same time within the organisation. It allows you to follow Cash Flow for entire organisation, for all projects
    • Time and costs can be monitored at the level of:
        • Organisation
        • Department
        • Individual project: as project partner or as project coordinator
        • Individual employee
  • Specifics of national calls:
    • National calls in any country have certain specifics and leading several projects at national level often causes real administrative problem, especially in larger organisations.
    • To solve this issue we can create a special user interface, suitable for national calls in any country (t.i. projects co-financed from national funds). The interface is designed according to the specifications of each individual organisation.  
    • By adding this specific interface to EFAMT® Grant Wizard, you will ensure elegant and simple administrative process for your organisation. Moreover, the financial reports come out directly in the required form and at the same time, the embedded systems are not messed with.
    • EFAMT® Grant Wizard with the special user interface can be hosted on our server or installed on the server of your organisation. The updating of the interface can be done long-distance.

  • Is a simple and effective system:
    • It enables simple, quick and correct cost calculation. Only minimal amount of data is entered, namely hours and invoices. Data is available in real time – ensuring proper risk management.
    • Fine cost tuning is easy; transferring the costs between work packages and projects is simple
    • The solution is simple to use and there is no need for special training. The day-to-day usage can be mastered within 10 minutes
    • If you have a compatible accounting system, the data is easily imported and exported, so there is no need for double work.
    • There are no limits on the number of users; access rights are set for each individual project to ensure the right people have access to the right data.
    • No installation or maintenance is needed. There is no interference with embedded organisational procedures and therefore no collateral damage.

    The aim is to secure funds of all projects in accordance with the rules and supported by the needed documentation.


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